Legal Nurse Consulting News: There's nothing like the real thing baby!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I have been trying to do my legal nurse consulting business for the last 7
or 8 years. I attended seminars, went to school and bought tapes and books,
all resulting in very limited or no success!!!.... Enter Veronica and RN
Market. Studying real cases, sitting and critiquing with a real attorney. It
was challenging, fun, rewarding, but mostly confidence building!!! I went to
Veronica's in Nov and Dec and already have MANY leads and two cases!

Sheryl Truman RN, ALNC, CLNI
Truman LNC, INC.

About The Author

Veronica Castellana Veronica Castellana

RN MARKET News features Legal Nurse Consulting related articles written by Veronica Castellana, Ryan Sanchez, and other guest writers. Veronica is the LNC STAT course creator and is a currently practicing Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant. Her training tools and techniques have resulted in some of the most succesful Legal Nurse Consultants in the world. She is now the leader in Legal Nurse success. Ryan is the Director of Marketing for RN MARKET and the LNC STAT course. His valuable expertise helps nurses to realize their true potential and value in the field of Legal Nurse Consulting.