Legal Nurse Consulting News: International and American Association for the Legal Nurse Industry

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The International & American Association of the Legal Nurse Industry(IAALNI) is the online community for Legal Nurses and medical-legal related professionals. Join the IAALNI and take advantage of the many benefits that are essential to your success as a Legal Nurse. Get your own online profile so you
can network with other members, subcontract, find subcontractors, get contacted
by attorneys for cases, get discounts and take advantage of other benefits. Locate and network with other nurses and experts from around the world all at the click of a button. The IAALNI is run by the nurses so have your voice heard and make a difference in the Legal Nurse Industry.

The IAALNI Introductory Membership entitles you to the following privileges:

  • Access to the online members' area with your own personal online account

  • Web Link on the Directory providing a list of Legal Nurses both
    in the United States and in countries around the world

  • Client referral service - Be included in a list of Legal Nurses and Experts
    for use by attorneys and those seeking help on cases

  • Discounts on marketing materials and continuing education from RN MARKET

  • Discounts on Custom Web Sites

  • Access to the IAALNI newsletters

  • Discounts on IAALNI conferences and training seminars

  • Press Release templates to promote your business in the news media

  • Use of the IAALNI Logo and Quality Seal on all of your marketing materials
    and Web site

  • Information about upcoming legal and medical conferences that provide great
    networking opportunities with potential clients

  • The opportunity to run for office and join committees in the association so
    that you may play a role in shaping the future of this association

International & American Assoication for the Legal Nurse Industry (IAALNI) Info >>

About The Author

Veronica Castellana Veronica Castellana

RN MARKET News features Legal Nurse Consulting related articles written by Veronica Castellana, Ryan Sanchez, and other guest writers. Veronica is the LNC STAT course creator and is a currently practicing Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant. Her training tools and techniques have resulted in some of the most succesful Legal Nurse Consultants in the world. She is now the leader in Legal Nurse success. Ryan is the Director of Marketing for RN MARKET and the LNC STAT course. His valuable expertise helps nurses to realize their true potential and value in the field of Legal Nurse Consulting.