I have been an ALNC since November 2010. I had looked into legal nursing several years before that and just simply was not impressed with the course that, at that time, was available from another provider. In March 2010, I got married for the second time. Between my husband and me, we have 6 children. I was, at that time, working in the Emergency Room at our local hospital 40-50 hours a week. I worked 12 hour shifts, and at times, 16 hour shifts. There was no appreciation, just more work. If the department was understaffed, you were expected to stay after your 12 hour shift to help. If you didn't stay, or complained, you were designated as "not a team player". I worked mostly second shift. I found myself missing out on my children's activities. I found myself desperately wanting more time with my children. I also quickly realized the cost of having a family of 8. I had owned a home based business before, and I knew the only way to make any money was to work for yourself. It was then that I re-visited the idea of legal nursing. I researched different programs, including LNC Stat for months. I called the staff at LNC several times, and they were always helpful and straight forward. I finally chose RN Market's LNC STAT course. There were many reasons why I made this decision. The price was fair. The content was what I was looking for. I was very impressed with the contract templates and the unlimited mentoring. I still use my course books as references. A large attraction was also the marketing package. You can learn to analyze a medical record and write a report, but if you don't know how to market yourself, you won't have any work. LNC STAT helped me from development of my logo, to printing all of my marketing materials. Veronica and Ryan gave me all the tools I needed to be successful. I still use the mentoring available when I have questions.
When I made my decision, I chose the Elite package with the home study option. At that time, I also received a free sit in on the live class. I did the home study and took my certification test in November 2010. Then, I went to Memphis and took the live course in January 2011. I had my marketing materials all ready to go when I got home. I officially launched my business in February 2011. I felt confident in my skills. I had the nursing/legal knowledge and the skills to market it. Veronica is a fantastic teacher, and her years of experience shine through. Ryan is incredible at helping with the computer, and his marketing knowledge is expansive. I drank in all of the information like a sponge. I went home and followed the marketing program to the letter. I got my first case in the fall of 2011, and it was a large nursing home case. I almost didn't want to send the 5 binders back, because I felt like it was my baby, and I had given birth to it. After that, the attorney told his paralegal "Send everything to her." Actually, it's funny, I have never spoken directly with that attorney, just his paralegal. My work speaks for itself. I always ask to do a case presentation, but the attorney, through his paralegal, says that my reports are so thorough, he doesn't need one. As a side note, I always do case presentations with all my other attorneys.
Because of the LNC course and marketing package, I currently have 3 open cases from that first attorney. I have also 3 other attorneys who use me regularly. Currently, I have 5 open cases and have had to cut my nursing hours to part-time. I have cases in 3 different states, and I never have to leave my house. I call RN MARKET often for assistance. Kim is a great resource person. When I re-order my marketing materials, they are always quickly sent to me. My ultimate goal is to become an Expert of Medical Legal Specialties. (Really, I should have taken all of the courses initially!) I plan to increase my business to the point that I will need to hire or subcontract other ALNCs to help with my work load. This has been an incredible decision. I was just able to take my daughter to a camp, and after finishing this testimonial, will work for a few hours on my cases, and then will take my children swimming. This is truly a great life. I want to thank Veronica for starting LNC Stat and taking that leap of faith that I know she took. If she would not have had the courage to start her business, there would be hundreds of nurses still doing the drudgery of 12 hour shifts. I want to thank Ryan for everything he does. He is the man behind the woman. I want to thank Kim for being patient with me and always giving me fantastic guidance. Finally, I want to thank all the RN Market staff. Even though I own my own business, I could not do it without all of you. "