Brian Illinois




"When my wife first approached me about becoming a Legal Nurse Consultant I was extremely skeptical. She explained how she could make up to $150/hr and I didn’t believe it. It seemed too good to be true. I doubted that there was a demand for the service, and even if so, in my mind there was no way that an RN could make $150/hr. She took Veronica Castellana's LNC Stat course to become an Advanced Legal Nurse Consultant, and within 24 hours of completing the 3 day course in Chicago, started marketing. She booked 2 appointments on her first day and landed her very first case. I was very impressed. I was even more impressed when the first check came in the mail. I was truly blown away! 40+ hours at $150/hr-you do the math! Two months later she invoiced over $20,000 and we are now signing a contract on our new beautiful home (with an office of course)! I am so proud of her success! My wife’s hard work along with Veronica's RN Market program has truly changed our lives!"